

గణితంలో కనీస అభ్యసన సామర్థ్యాలు | Minimum Learning Abilities in Maths

A fraction whose denominator is 10 or some positive integral power of 10 is called a decimal fraction.


Fraction having 10, 100, 1000,…. In the denominators are called Decimal Fractions.


The numbers written in the decimal form are called decimal numbers or simply decimals


4.1 is read four point one

12.05 is read twelve point zero five.

The decimal number(decimal)  has two parts

whole number part and decimal part

These  parts are separated by a dot(. ) called decimal point

The parts to the right of the decimal point is called the decimal part of the number and the part to the left of the decimal point is called the integral part (whole number)

The digits in decimal part are read individually (including zero) with out naming the places.

The decimal part of the number is always less than one.

If there is no number in whole number part, it should be taken as zero ‘0’

For example    .7 can written as 0.7in 0.4 there is one decimal place.



Decimal Places:   

 The number of digits contained in the decimal part of a decimal gives the number of its decimal place.

Like decimals:   

Decimals having the same number of decimal places are called like decimals

Ex:                 25.02,   and 4.83 are like decimals

Unlike  Decimals: 

some given decimals all not  having the same number of decimal places, are called unlike decimals.


Ex:                 4.38 and 43.8 are unlike decimals.

Conversion of unlike decimals to like decimals:

The value of a decimal fraction is not changed by placing any number of zero’s at the end.

Ex :     4.2=4.20=4.2000

Annexing zeroes to the extreme right of the decimal part of a decimal does not change it value.

Out of given unlike decimals find the decimal which has the largest number of decimal places , say n

Convert each decimal into the one having decimal places by annexing the required number of zeroes to the extreme right of the decimal part.

Thus, all the given unlike decimals are converted to like decimals.


To express a decimal in the form of a common fractions, we remove the decimal point and write the resulting number as the numerator, place as many zeroes after 1 a there are places in the decimal part and write it as the denominator

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