

Fraction ( Types of Fractions )


A fraction means a part of a group or of a whole.

Fractions represent equal parts of a whole or a collection A whole can be a group of objects or single object.

Fraction notation:-

  •  A fraction has two parts.
  •  The number on the top of the line is called the numerator
  • Fraction line separates the numerator and denominator
  • The number below the line is called the denominator.
  • The numbers of the form   , where a and b are whole  numbers and are known as fractions.
  • The numerator defines the number of parts taken, whereas the denominator defines the total number of equal parts in a whole
  • 3/5 is read as three fifths and
  • 5/32 as five thirty-seconds.

  •  A fraction in which numerator is less than the denominator is called a proper fraction.
  • If the  numerator of a fraction is less than its denominator, then such a fraction is called a proper Fraction.
  • The value of a proper fraction is less than one.
  • In a proper fraction, the number in the denominator shows the number of parts into which the whole is divided.
  • While the number in the numerator shows the number of parts that have been taken

A fraction in which numerator is greater than or equal  the denominator is called a Improper fraction

If the  numerator of a fraction is greater than or equal (more)  its denominator, then such a fraction is called a Improper Fraction

The value of a improper fraction is greater than or equal  one.

A number which can be expressed as the sum of a whole number and a proper fraction is called a mixed fraction.

A combination of whole number and proper fraction is called Mixed Fraction.

A Mixed Fraction contains an integral part and  fractional part, the fractional part should be a proper fraction.

A fraction in which there is whole number and a proper fraction is called Mixed Fraction.

The fractional numbers that have the same denominators but different numerators are called like fractions.



The fractions having different denominators are called  unlike fractions


The fractions having different denominators are called  unlike fractions



In a fraction the numerator with 1 is called unit fraction.

The fractions which have their denominator as 10 or 100  or 1000 or higher power of  10 are know as Decimal fractions.

Fractions having the same value are known as  equivalent fractions.

A given fraction and the fraction obtained by multiplying or dividing both of its numerator and denominator by the same non-zero number, are called equivalent fractions.

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