

In algebra, we come  across two types of symbols namely constants and variables.

Constant :-  A symbol having  fixed numerical value is called a constant.

Ex:   3, -2, 4, 0, 1/2,    -5/3


Variable or a Literal :- A symbol which can take  various numerical values is called a variable or a literal.

A symbol which takes on various numerical values is called a variable or a literal

* Which is the product of a constant and a variable is also a variable.

Ex:  3x,  -5y etc.

A combination of two or more variables separated by + sign or a – sin is also a variable.


* A constant or a variable or the product of a constant and a variable is called a term.

* Product of two or more terms is also called a term.

* Every constant or variable is called a term.

Ex:      3xy  ;    2x2 y

Algebraic Expressions:

A combination of constants and variables, connected by the symbols +, -,  × and ÷ is called an algebraic expression.

* The several parts of an expression separated by the sign + or-  are called the terms of the expression.

* A single term or a group of terms with addition and subtraction operations is called an expression.

If every term of an expression is a constant term, such expression is called numerical expression.

Every numerical expression represents a number.


The expression containing at least one algebraic term is called an algebraic expression.

Types of Algebraic Expressions:

Algebraic expressions are categorized according to the number of terms in it.

Monomial:     An algebraic expression which contains only one term is called a monomial.

Binomial:      An algebraic expression which contains two terms  is called a binomial.

Trinomial :-  An algebraic expression which contains three terms is called a trinomial.

Multinomial:- An algebraic expression which contains two or more terms  is called a multinomial.


Like terms:

The terms having same literal factors (coefficient) are called  like terms or similar terms.

Unlike terms:

The terms not having same literal factors are called unlike terms or dissimilar terms.

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